How I nearly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory at the Grand to Grand Ultra but ultimately had my best race in 25 years of running.

How I nearly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory at the Grand to Grand Ultra but ultimately had my best race in 25 years of running.
The Grand to Grand Ultra is two weeks away! As with past stage races, I’ve made a list of my gear & food to help others who may be preparing for a self-supported stage race, or who want to find out about ultra-lightweight gear for fastpacking and camping.
This is a book about the therapeutic power of running and becoming a top ultrarunner. But it’s the backstory about her family, and her personal development, that drew me in, even when chapters served as a sometimes-painful mirror of self-reflection.
OK, so maybe I’m all by myself in a high-desert forest running 56 miles in a giant circle for no better reason than to order a pizza at the end, but at times out there, it feels purposeful and connected to something larger, like …. like … oh Christ I don’t know. Are you there, […]
Why I’m thinking about parties, ropes and chainsaws—and what they have to do with procrastination, running, parenting and aging.
The farther away I got from road marathoning and that PR set in 2009, the more intimidating and daunting it felt to try it again.
I made a mental list of circumstances that make a long training run extra challenging. What happens when all these things conspire on the same run? Let me tell you.
A flashback sparks excitement for training and racing 20 years later. Here’s my lineup for 2019.
To breathe deeply, to see the horizon clearly, to talk to old friends, to move your legs up and down a mountain—how marvelous and precious this life on earth is, the more imperiled it becomes.
I wanna run and feel like I did in that photo from 2015. I can’t recall a time I felt this degree of ambivalence about running, which is supposed to be my passion. Perhaps I’m fitting the profile of burnout, but burnout usually follows overtraining, and since September I’ve been undertraining.