This is a book about the therapeutic power of running and becoming a top ultrarunner. But it’s the backstory about her family, and her personal development, that drew me in, even when chapters served as a sometimes-painful mirror of self-reflection.

This is a book about the therapeutic power of running and becoming a top ultrarunner. But it’s the backstory about her family, and her personal development, that drew me in, even when chapters served as a sometimes-painful mirror of self-reflection.
Why I’m thinking about parties, ropes and chainsaws—and what they have to do with procrastination, running, parenting and aging.
When I feel overwhelmed, or try to help my kids deal with their stress, I draw on lessons learned and strategies developed through ultras.
Starting later this month, I will be blogging more regularly at our family’s new site, We leave in two weeks for nearly a full year of travel to several destinations, to educate our kids (and ourselves) by seeing other parts of the world and to strengthen our bond as a family. I’m excited, nervous […]
Since I returned from a short trip over my 40th birthday, family and friends have been asking, What did you do? What did you get? Did you have fun? The answers take explaining — I ran through time. I got my life. I wouldn’t exactly call it fun, but I definitely had a good time […]