I felt a burning determination to finish this course, partly because I was the only over-50 woman entered. The drive also comes from the paradox of ultrarunning: the more I wear myself out, the more powerful I feel during and after.

I felt a burning determination to finish this course, partly because I was the only over-50 woman entered. The drive also comes from the paradox of ultrarunning: the more I wear myself out, the more powerful I feel during and after.
If you’re feeling injured, dumpy and grumpy, then watching a video of someone like Anna Frost might make you feel worse. Or it could be just the thing to transport you to a better place. I clicked through to watch it reluctantly, aware the episode could stir as much jealousy and cynicism as escapism and […]
My legs cramped, toes bruised, gut blew up and skin chafed over the 50 miles. My mind sunk into a funk of negativity and aimlessness, but strong running and a steely determination book-ended those dark middle miles. Throughout this past week, I pondered questions about what went right and wrong, reflecting on how much I […]