I felt a burning determination to finish this course, partly because I was the only over-50 woman entered. The drive also comes from the paradox of ultrarunning: the more I wear myself out, the more powerful I feel during and after.

I felt a burning determination to finish this course, partly because I was the only over-50 woman entered. The drive also comes from the paradox of ultrarunning: the more I wear myself out, the more powerful I feel during and after.
Big ultras that involve a road trip help clear and refocus my mind and leave me more motivated. I’m counting on this week’s experience to make me feel more energized and positive.
My lungs hurt when I breathed deeply. My knees hurt when I went down a hill. With virtually every foot fall, my feet and quads registered sharp twinges as if being jabbed with a skewer. Even my eyeballs hurt when I blinked, because my eyes were too dry.
At Mile 37, with 20 still to go, I got the news and thought about Biden’s ultra.
Frustration boiled over as my feet slipped and I fell hard on my tailbone yet again. I willed myself to practice self-compassion and remind myself that I was doing something only a very few number of people can do under normal circumstances, and a much smaller fraction can do during this pandemic.
When I look back at my training log from the end of 2019, I see far too many runs labeled “detox run,” when I’d run to clear my head and produce extra-stinky sweat. Can you guess how I went from feeling gross to good?
Nothing about skiing feels normal, natural or graceful, not yet. But there is an upside to feeling barely average, humbled and scared by something—and then trying to improve rather than quit.
Happy new year! I can’t believe we’re closing out a decade. That means this blog is almost a decade old. … I’ve decided to keep The Runner’s Trip running one more year, but I’m warning you that I might write about things that have little to do with running….
Have you ever said, “I feel gross”? I said it to myself four nights ago, around 3 a.m. I do not feel like the person I was 12 weeks ago, and I want to be that person again. I tapped out a note in the Notes section of my phone: “What I Want to Achieve […]
This post is about a topsy-turvy two months. I’ve been in a funk, facing fears and experiencing exaggerated moods, but I’m reminded that peace of mind and a normal rhythm return in good time.