A rock-strewn climb at the halfway point felt as steep as climbing a multi-story ladder, and the loose-dirt descent that followed felt as frightening as surfing a landslide, hence my feeling of being a pawn in an evil game of Chutes and Ladders.

A rock-strewn climb at the halfway point felt as steep as climbing a multi-story ladder, and the loose-dirt descent that followed felt as frightening as surfing a landslide, hence my feeling of being a pawn in an evil game of Chutes and Ladders.
Of all the injuries and hazards I prepared for—bloody knees, sprained ankle, heat exhaustion—the threat of cows never crossed my mind.
Racing four very different races in a six-week period gave me a lot of time to ask “Why?” Why do I repeatedly register for something that sort of feels like taking a test? This post recaps the races and gives four reasons why.
It really mattered to me to have a strong, solid 50-miler this season to build confidence in advance of the 100-miler this September. If I had another inordinately difficult 50-mile effort, then I might pull the plug on the 100-mile-debut plan. This post details the key things that worked for me for the Lake Sonoma […]
How a disappointing day turned worthwhile after all.
My legs cramped, toes bruised, gut blew up and skin chafed over the 50 miles. My mind sunk into a funk of negativity and aimlessness, but strong running and a steely determination book-ended those dark middle miles. Throughout this past week, I pondered questions about what went right and wrong, reflecting on how much I […]
My thoughts the day before attempting The North Face Endurance Challenge 50M (gulp).
The best-laid plans of runners oft go awry. The other day I studied the American River 50 Endurance Run website and had a minor freak-out because I felt woefully unprepared, under-trained, and uninformed about this race on April 9. Then I made a list of do’s and don’ts to get ready and banish the thought […]
Being a student and groupie of ultrarunning for several years could not prepare me for what I had to learn firsthand. I felt baptized into the sport when I said in my head, “Oh, so this is what it’s all about—this is what I signed up for. It’s supposed to hurt. It’s supposed to be […]