5 Things I Accomplished or Improved in 2016 In Spite Of Myself
Some of you may have expected a UROY post in which I geek out about my Ultrarunner of the Year ballot picks like many esteemed blogging peers. I decided to write a middle-aged-mom diary entry instead with some real-life, empirically untested self-help tips.
I Run Because of Them
During the last few weeks, people involved in this sport pulled me out of a funk and motivated me to run hard and with joy. I needed it.
How a Sports Nutritionist Helped Get Me In Race Shape (Update)
My intention is not to advocate any strict nutritional plan, but rather, to share the process that worked for me, because I gave myself a nutritional tuneup and am happy to report it worked (for the most part … )
My 2016 Gift Guide for Trail Runners (Not Junkie, Just Funky!)
A guide to nifty things for trail runners that I truly recommend and discovered in the past year.
A Trail-Racing Triple Treat: The Inaugural Grand Circle Trail Fest Review
Could I successfully race for three days straight? Could the organizers pull off their idea for a trail-running “festival”? How the heck would they shuttle hundreds of runners for hours each day to trailheads on the edges of the national parks? Turns out, the transportation became a part of the adventure.
Now I Know How Wilderness First Aid Comes In Handy
The pain numbed out. But suddenly something replaced the pain: a bright red, shiny wet spot seeping through my sock.
10 Pro Tips for Training and Racing Ultras, Exported from an Exceptional UTMB
In spite of never running close to 100 miles before, and in spite of having his longest prior race nearly break his desire to run ultras, Tim ran such a strong and positive UTMB that he came from behind to place third overall. What can we learn from his performance?
What I (Re)Learned About Mountain Running This Summer: 7 Tips for High-Altitude Training & Racing
You could call it “extreme fast trekking.” It’s hard to articulate how ridiculously slow and tough this mountain “running” is, but I’ll try.
Catching Up During and After the Western States 100-mile Endurance Run
I put off writing a race report because I felt the kind of turned-inside-out fatigue and brain fog that a new mother feels the week after giving birth.
Flashbacks and Feelings on the Journey to the Western States 100
I’m excited, but fear sneaks up on me. … Something unreal yet way too real happened that partially explains why I savor the purpose, focus, escapism and sense of control that preparing for the Western States 100 offers.