Today I’m Gonna Run Like It’s 1999
A flashback sparks excitement for training and racing 20 years later. Here’s my lineup for 2019.
The Week I Started Running Again, and It Meant the World
To breathe deeply, to see the horizon clearly, to talk to old friends, to move your legs up and down a mountain—how marvelous and precious this life on earth is, the more imperiled it becomes.
My 2018 List of Good Stuff for Trail Runners (aka Gift Guide)
No, our dog is not part of this gear/gift guide, but something in that photo is! This time of year, I like to share recommendations for worthwhile running- and outdoor-related stuff I discovered over the past 12 months.
I Don’t Love Running Right Now, And That’s OK
I wanna run and feel like I did in that photo from 2015. I can’t recall a time I felt this degree of ambivalence about running, which is supposed to be my passion. Perhaps I’m fitting the profile of burnout, but burnout usually follows overtraining, and since September I’ve been undertraining.
Ten Years Ago, I Did a One-Eighty. I’m Ready to Change Again.
Because I face the move back to California and some big decisions about our home, I am mulling, “What next? What will I do after I turn 50?” To plan ahead, first I look back and reflect. I reminisce about life one decade ago…
My Ouray 100K: A Case Study Of An Ultrarunning Blowup
As soon as I saw Morgan and Clare, I said wild-eyed, “I may blow up, but those were the best 27 miles of my life.”
Ouray 100 Preview: Some Background On This Ridiculously Challenging Ultra That I Start in About 36 Hours
I decided to turn my sour grapes into fortified grape juice and attempt an upstart, scrappy race the weekend after Hardrock 100, on the same mountain range, that’s arguably even more difficult—a race so miserable in its first year on the current route that the RD admits, “I don’t think it was a good experience […]
4 Mountain Running Traits Developed At Our San Juan Mountain Running Camp
“For these three days,” I told the group gathered for our inaugural San Juan Mountain Running Camp, “I want you to encounter and experience challenges on the trail that you don’t expect, and that perhaps intimidate you, because you’ll discover that you can get through and handle more than you think you can. And you’ll […]
Adventures in Home Building and Homemaking: The Dirt on Our New Life Taking Shape in Colorado
This is has become my life, my domestic ultra. If someone asks what I do, I probably should embrace the old-fashioned term “homemaker,” because that’s my main purpose now: building and making a home, and in the process, circling back to the summertimes I savored as a kid.
“This One Time, At Trail-Running Camp…” or, Why I Want To Share My Ideal Getaway
To me, an ideal getaway is not an island resort or a spa weekend. It’s a running camp in a mountain environment. These totally worthwhile experiences at trail-running camps heighten my excitement to launch a new mountain-running camp just one month from now.