Diary of 72 Hours During an Unfolding Catastrophe
I used my blog to journal about our family’s situation during the past few days, so that years from now I will remember what this strange, scary week felt like.
The Biggest Change I Made to Feel (and Run) Better
When I look back at my training log from the end of 2019, I see far too many runs labeled “detox run,” when I’d run to clear my head and produce extra-stinky sweat. Can you guess how I went from feeling gross to good?
Doing the Thing in Winter That Intimidates Me the Most
Nothing about skiing feels normal, natural or graceful, not yet. But there is an upside to feeling barely average, humbled and scared by something—and then trying to improve rather than quit.
A 10-Year Flashback: Travel, Run…Blog?
Happy new year! I can’t believe we’re closing out a decade. That means this blog is almost a decade old. … I’ve decided to keep The Runner’s Trip running one more year, but I’m warning you that I might write about things that have little to do with running….
Feeling Off In the Off Season
Have you ever said, “I feel gross”? I said it to myself four nights ago, around 3 a.m. I do not feel like the person I was 12 weeks ago, and I want to be that person again. I tapped out a note in the Notes section of my phone: “What I Want to Achieve […]
6 Steps to Take Time Off This Season Without Losing Your Running Base
What does “an off period” or “break from training” look like? Does it mean giving up running completely? Not necessarily.
2019 Gift Guide for Trail Runners & Hikers: Goodies I Discovered This Year
Here’s my annual gift guide of fun, functional or (in the case of the books recommended) fascinating things I discovered this past year. I spotlight running-related things that I found on my own and like, independent of PR or sponsorships. Check it out and treat yourself!
How to Wisely Plan Your Races and Running Goals for the New Year
Some do’s and don’ts for planning your training and racing in the coming year, plus a look at how my race calendar is taking shape.
The Race of My Life: A 2019 Grand to Grand Ultra Report
How I nearly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory at the Grand to Grand Ultra but ultimately had my best race in 25 years of running.
Dig Deep to Achieve, and to Support What You Believe
When I set a goal, I do all I can to fulfill it. Therefore I have decided to “dig deep” in another way, doing more personally to support and protect public lands while hoping to inspire others to join me. I want to achieve my goal in TWO WEEKS by Saturday, September 28, the day […]