What I’m Doing in the Middle of the Night
I get insomnia and cope with anxiety, which I sense is shared by many these days. This is what I think about and how I cope.
The Motivation & Method Behind Seven Extraordinary Ordinary Runners
Let me introduce you to some of my awesome clients who agreed to go public, so that they may motivate you, too.
The Speedgoat 50K Reality Check
Frustration boiled over as my feet slipped and I fell hard on my tailbone yet again. I willed myself to practice self-compassion and remind myself that I was doing something only a very few number of people can do under normal circumstances, and a much smaller fraction can do during this pandemic.
One Way to Put On a Race During the Pandemic
Since race directors are grappling with how to host races in a way that reduces the risk of virus spread, I thought I’d share how this race felt safe and well organized, and different but satisfying from a competitive standpoint.
Love and An Old Car
This is a true story of true love and a classic car. Plus, my relationship advice boiled down to five points.
Diary of a Double Everest Ultra
How would it feel to climb and descend more than 8,000 feet daily, on high-altitude mountain trails, for seven days straight? Could I do it? Last week, I found out.
A Weeklong Challenge in Search of Adventure and Purpose
Adventuring is inherently optimistic. You’re not sure what will happen, and you know it won’t be easy, but you believe that whatever comes to pass, it’ll be worthwhile.
3 Run Workouts That Boost My Mojo
These are three favorite unusual run workouts that I wrote for clients and ended up doing and enjoying myself. I hope they’ll help you feel energized and motivated if you feel stuck in a rut with your training.
Trail Running Lessons for Life (Abridged): A 20 x 20 Presentation
Presenters are challenged to show 20 slides, each for exactly 20 seconds. I’ve never done a presentation like this, but I was game. I put together PowerPoint slides and scripted paragraphs for each, cutting away to get my talk down to roughly 20 seconds per slide and hoping my story wasn’t as boring as watching […]
Two Weeks Living (and Running) with Coronavirus
It feels like we won a coin toss: Morgan gets to come home, others stay in the hospital and die alone.