This post comes from Monica Scholz, who traveled around North America to set a record of running the most 100-mile races in one year. She managed to travel, on average, every other weekend and complete these endurance events while holding down a demanding full-time job. Here’s her advice, which is targeted at ultrarunners but in […]
Archive | Travel & Gear

Another Weekend, Another 100-Mile Run: How Monica Scholz Ran Ultras Around North America to Break Her Own Record
Imagine running a 100-mile race. Now imagine doing it every two weeks, and sometimes on consecutive weekends. That’s what Monica Scholz, a full-time attorney from Canada, did in 2010. I profiled her to find out how and why she set a record of 25 100-mile races in a year. “Running was not the hardest part—it […]

Born to Run Barefoot: Christopher McDougall Talks About Writing the Book That Changed the Running Shoe Industry and Changed His Life
I interviewed Born to Run author Christopher McDougall, who’s touring the country and talking about the barefoot running debate in advance of his paperback release. He opened up about his running, the experience of writing his bestseller, and his belief that the running shoe industry hawks a lot of “junk” that causes injuries. Here’s our […]

A Running-Travel Guide That Blazes a Path in Budapest and Beyond
In this guest post, Taylor Chase describes how a run one day in Budapest planted the seed for starting Blaze Travel Guides. Blaze is a travel-guide startup geared toward runners and other active souls (or should I say “active soles”?). I recently discovered Blaze and wish I knew about the company’s super useful city running […]

Gear and Travel Wish List
Some new gear, apps, and travel tours led me into a la-la land of imagining what I’d add to a wish list. I wanted to spread the word about a few of these cool items, from a do-it-all running pack to a hands-free video cam to a city guide app. What’s on your gear and […]

What’s Up With This Blog
Two months ago, I launched this site. The other day, I caught myself wondering what I’m doing and whether it’s worth my time. It seems like a good time to assess what The Runner’s Trip has accomplished, how I hope to develop the site in the coming weeks, and how I hope you will consider […]

How to Run and Go Green: Eco-Friendly Lessons From An Earthy 10K
I have run many 10Ks but none quite like the European XC Challenge in Ventura, the inaugural event by an eco-conscious upstart company called Compete Green. I signed up to walk the talk (or better, run the talk) of this blog’s message to keep improving and to cultivate meaningful experiences as a runner by trying […]

Running In the Rain Down Under: An Aussie Ultrarunner’s Tips to Deal With the Flood
Imagine living in rain-ravaged Queensland, Australia. Would you keep your commitment to run if you lived in those conditions? Ultrarunner Andy Bowen of Noosa, Queensland, is sticking with his training plan even if he has to build an ark to reach land to run on. He offers good advice for dealing with drenching conditions.

My New Favorite Way to Run In Snow
At around the same time I lost my snowshoes, I discovered a traction device even better for snow running: Kahtoola Microspikes. They’ll let you run on icy and snowy trails as naturally and easily as running on a dry road. Check out this video post.

Things That Go Bump In the Flight
I love to travel but hate to fly. Thankfully, I found a person to help me cope with my irrational fear (but is it really irrational?) that I’m going to fall out of the sky.