The 46-year-old from Pleasant Hill, California, survived severe heat, extreme nausea, fever, bugs, and blisters in Costa Rica’s jungles and mountains. Here’s her report of mud, sweat, and fears.

The 46-year-old from Pleasant Hill, California, survived severe heat, extreme nausea, fever, bugs, and blisters in Costa Rica’s jungles and mountains. Here’s her report of mud, sweat, and fears.
Everyone should see Italy’s cultural and historical treasures, but I’d also urge any visitor to explore the countryside. Here are lots of suggestions on where to run or hike, with several links to Northern Italy races recommended by my Italian trail-running friend.
I have run many 10Ks but none quite like the European XC Challenge in Ventura, the inaugural event by an eco-conscious upstart company called Compete Green. I signed up to walk the talk (or better, run the talk) of this blog’s message to keep improving and to cultivate meaningful experiences as a runner by trying […]
Every race on these calendars presents an opportunity to take a detour and experience a little stretch of the country. If you plan to travel to a different region for business or vacation, then you might think about working one of these events into your itinerary.
How does a fortysomething suburban working mom prepare to spend six days camping and running 155 miles through Costa Rica’s jungles and mountains? I found out by getting to know Tamara Buckley Johnson. She’s one of 67 runners doing the strenuous six-day Coastal Challenge Rainforest Run starting Jan. 30. She talks about why she’s doing […]
Bart Yasso has what many would consider a dream career. His title is Chief Running Officer at Runner’s World (how cool is that?). Over three decades at the magazine, he became a high-profile and well-liked ambassador for the sport, getting paid to travel and run races in remote areas all over the world. When I […]
Maybe you, too, dream of a running- and adventure-oriented trip to New Zealand in 2011 or ’12. When I hear Americans talk about New Zealand, they tend to focus on the South Island, so I decided to spotlight a fabulous Kiwi destination and event on the North Island instead: Rotorua and the Tarawera Ultramarathon.
I like to think of running in terms of a trip, in all senses of the word: a journey, a mind-bending head trip, and a stumble that represents unexpected challenges and comebacks. Infected by wanderlust, I love to take all kinds of trips. I came up with “the runner’s trip” to capture those concepts and […]
If you wanna combine a dazzling seaside destination with running, consider Brighton and one of these two races.